Analysis / Reform, Strategy

Getting to Less? Exploring the Press for Less in America’s Defense Commitments

Getting to Less Series

This CSIS Brief is the first in a series that explores the contours and implications of strategies that might reduce the U.S. military’s mission space through greater constraints on its ends, ways, or means. Some analysts argue that America’s post-Cold War foreign policy has not made the country any safer, has needlessly cost lives, and has been too expensive. They argue instead for a more restrained approach. This first brief explores seven intellectual strains that argue for lessened objectives, more efficient ways, or decreased resources for the U.S. defense enterprise. The brief’s purpose is to inform active debates over the role of the United States in the world and over the role of the military in U.S. national security policy.

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Kathleen Hicks and Joseph P. Federici, "Getting to Less? Exploring the Press for Less in America’s Defense Commitments," Center for Strategic and International Studies, January 16, 2020, last modified January 16, 2020,