Analysis / Forces

Covid Response Update: April 2- June 3

Combating Covid-19 Series

This is CSIS’s roundup of major updates on the military and the novel coronavirus since Friday, April 1. It explores what the military has done to combat Covid-19 and how the military has in turn been affected by the virus.

Major Updates

  • The National Guard has largely wrapped up its Covid response, with New York and Wisconsin ending its nursing support missions.
  • As states wind down their National Guard missions, there is some positive externalities of the nursing support missions, over 160 members of the Wisconsin National Guard gained certified nursing assistant (CAN) qualifications through a program developed in cooperation with local agencies. This program helped to build state capacity in urgent care beds.
  • As a nod to the official “return to normalcy,” the Pentagon has reopened for guided tours. Tours were stopped in March 2020 in response to the Covid-19 outbreak.
  • The following table is the total of administrative discharges for Covid vaccine refusal by service.
Marine Corps2,715
Air Force399
Total as of June 1, 2022

Military Cases of Covid-19

How DoD cases have been trending over time is broken down below, by total cases; active cases in the DoD; and across the military services.


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Mark Cancian and Robert Maxwell, "Covid Response Update: April 2- June 3," Center for Strategic and International Studies, June 3, 2022, last modified June 3, 2022,